A Norwegian proverb states bad weather doesn’t exist, just unsuitable clothing. Well, along those lines we can say that adverse work environments don’t exist, just substandard equipment. In this sense, flame resistant and antistatic clothing is an essential element in the day to day lives of professionals such as firefighters and energy industry employees. But what characteristics should these garments have and why are they so important in sectors such as those mentioned? Let’s take a look.
The importance of flame resistant and antistatic clothing at work
Flame resistant and antistatic clothing is an essential accident prevention measure during jobs exposed to electricity, flames, and high temperatures. Professionals that face these risks include firefighters, or workers from the electricity, petrochemical, and gas industries.
Minimizing them is essential for creating safer working environments. A basic measure involves flame resistant and antistatic clothing. Wearing it in case of accident due to flames or arc flash can prove the difference.
For example, there is a risk of spontaneous fire during oil or natural gas drilling work given the high concentration of fuel in the air. It may last only seconds, but temperatures can reach up to 1,900 degrees. These flare-ups can be fatal for a worker not wearing flame resistant and antistatic clothing, as regular clothing ignites and helps fire to spread.
But what does flame resistant and antistatic clothing actually mean?
Flame resistant clothing: protection against fire at work
For a garment to be considered flame resistant, it has to fulfill certain characteristics set out in standard (EN11612), mainly requiring being made from non-inflammable materials.
Furthermore, flame resistant clothing passes through strict laboratory tests in order to comply with these and other requirements.
Flame resistant clothing acts as a barrier between fire or intense heat sources and the skin, protecting the user from direct exposure.
These properties come from the fabrics used to make them. Normally cotton with special chemical treatment, or fibers such as modacrylic or aramid.
Antistatic clothing: protection against static electricity
As with flame resistant garments, antistatic garments are also subject to a specific standard (in this case both EN ISO 11612 and EN 1149-5). Antistatic clothing prevents or reduces the accumulation of static electricity and dissipates it to earth. It may come as a surprise, but the human body is capable of generating up to 40,000 volts of static electricity.
Although this type of electricity is not dangerous in itself, it can cause an electric discharge and sparks, which can prove dangerous in all sectors involving operations with fuels, powdered fuels, and gases.
The phenomenon of voltage discharge is known as an arc flash. It occurs when there is a major difference in potential between two electrodes within a gas medium. A flow of current triggers between both electrodes, which can be seen with the naked eye and is called arc flash. Arc flashes can cause serious burns without using suitably tested and certified flame resistant and antistatic clothing to provide arc flash protection, such as BUFF® Safety Arc Protect + FR tubulars and balaclavas.

Flame resistant and antistatic clothing: the most complete protection
It is logical that flame resistant and antistatic clothing is requested most among the aforementioned sectors, as it both prevents static electricity build-up and acts as fire protection should a spark cause a flare-up.
To sum up, flame resistant and antistatic clothing has both of the aforementioned protection characteristics: protection against fire and static elasticity.
Flame resistant and antistatic clothing is essential for preventing harm to people exposed to fire risks at work, as it prevents serious consequences from accidents at work, reducing body injuries, medical costs, and legal costs.
Flame resistant tubulars for protecting the neck, face and head
Complete PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for workers exposed to the dangers of fire and electricity that comes with external and internal layers to provide protection. Accessories to protect such sensitive areas of the body like the neck, face, and head are needed in addition to flame resistant and antistatic clothing like jackets, trousers, boots, and gloves. This means garments like flame resistant tubulars are a must. They are notable for their high capacity for providing protection against fire and their great versatility, as they can be placed in numerous positions and adapt to the needs of each situation.
The flame resistant neck gaiters protect against burns to the neck, nape, face, and head.
As part of flame resistant and antistatic clothing, the neck gaiter, neck tube or also called tubular is an accessory that despite its simple design, offers vital protection for workers in the Energy Industry and Firefighters.
This is why professionals themselves often ask to use them as an essential accessory for their flame resistant and antistatic clothing, despite not being compulsory PPE.
As well as their versatility, flame resistant tubulars are light and flexible, enabling free movement at work.
BUFF® Safety has a range of flame resistant tubulars in order to perform as best as possible in different thermal conditions in work environments. For example, the Modacryl FR flame resistant tubular is very light and has a great capacity for absorbing and drying sweat, making it the ideal accessory for hot environments, while the Polar Fire Resistant is ideal for working conditions in low temperatures.
To sum up, as part of flame resistant and antistatic clothing, tubulars are essential for protecting people exposed to the risk of static electricity and fire. It is worth noting that they may prove very worthwhile for other everyday or sporting activities that pose similar risks.
BUFF® flame resistant PPEs
In addition to flame resistant tubulars, BUFF® Safety also offers other essential accessories for protection against fire at work, such as flame resistant and antistatic balaclavas. Also known as a balaclava helmet or ski mask, these one-piece accessories provide comprehensive protection for the neck and head, and can be used under a safety helmet.
In addition to the Modacryl FR Balaclava and the Arc Protect + FR Balaclava, this product category also includes two Firefighters Hoods certified as category III PPEs according to standards EN ISO 13688 and EN 13911. They contain Cooling HeiQ Smart Temp technology, which helps the user’s body temperature self-regulate. This characteristic makes these flame resistant hoods perfect for firefighters, as they reduce risks such as dehydration or heat stroke, among others.

Furthermore, the BUFF® Safety flame resistant and antistatic PPE range includes different tubulars, hoods, and even a hat, manufactured with NOMEX®, a meta-aramid fiber with flame resistant properties forming part of the fiber’s molecular structure, i.e. they aren’t created using chemical treatment. This is a major benefit as those properties remain throughout the tubular’s useful life. A great example is the Fire Resistant Multifunctional Neckwear, a best-seller and the first PPE of BUFF® Safety.
The entire BUFF® flame resistant PPE range has the relevant EU certification and complies with standards EN ISO 11612 and EN 1149-5, along with other international certificates and standards. More information about BUFF® Safety PPE certifications can be found here.
To sum up, BUFF® Safety offers flame resistant and antistatic PPEs that adapt to each professional’s specific circumstances and stand out for the quality of their materials. Undoubtedly the best safety guarantee for users of these PPEs.
Find in this brochure a selection of recommended BUFF® Safety products for FIRE PROTECTION